Venn Diagram
Solid and Void Intersect
Objective: To create a multi-use space that answers this question:
What is created in the interstitial space between solid and void? How does this reflect not only in form, but through program and interaction? What new space is created?
The Urban Institute in San Francisco’s South Park neighborhood is a space for a variety of activities [a studio, exhibition space, and auditorium and meeting place]. The target group is mainly architects and designers, but I focused on bringing the surrounding community into the space because I believe that is one of the core roles we play as architects. As I thought about the ways that people intersect and meet in a neighborhood, this idea of merging distinct entities became the focus of my design.
Venn-Diagram: one solid concrete block with standard floorplates cut with a massive glass shape.
Instead of separating spaces by use, I created fluid and dynamic platforms to host different groups of people and activities. This diagram details the crossover and interaction of people throughout the space.
The program is not static, but instead flows between the solid and void space and overlap is created between the two. The building is not black and white, a gray space is created.
A double skinned system maintains the connection to the exterior. The windows let in air/light, but the floors in the center have an operable system to further control that environment. The glass becomes an extension of its surroundings, blurring the line between private/public.